Goals Coaching Sessions with MVP Families

By: Krystal Harrington, Family Support Coach, Polis Institute

The West Lakes MVP Families program is a family engagement program in the community of West Lakes. Facilitated by the Polis Institute, the program focuses on a two-generational approach that involves the parents as well as the children. As a part of  providing that approach, one main objective for the program is to have each family set at least one goal. The goals are related to academics, health and wellness, financial stability, and developmental relationships.  Each participant has been able to identify action steps to work towards achieving their goals. To date, 100 % of our participants have set a goal.  The Family Support Coach connects with the families throughout the week to follow up on the action steps identified by each participant as well as provide a line of support.

In addition to participants setting a goal, there are mid month Goals Coaching Sessions that serve as additional support and motivation. It’s a space to come together as a group to talk about their accomplishments and challenges. Participants support and encourage one another while actively working to accomplish their goals. Session activities include; creating vision boards, identifying an action plan, and taking a deeper look into values as relates to their goals. One of our partners, West Lakes Financial Wellbeing Center delivered a presentation to the group on “Savings”. Their program offers individual financial coaching to those with financial goals. These different activities allow participants to learn from one another and be among their fellow community members who may be on the same journey.

If you would like more information you can email  krystal@polisinstitute.org or call 407-826-1580.