Lake Effect | Faces of West Lakes: Tangia Hill-Smikle’s Story

Tangia Hill-Smikle moved to Lake Lorna Doone with her parents and sisters when she was six years old. She and her siblings grew up in the Lake Lorna neighborhood where she now resides as an adult. She is a graduate of the Jones High School and a veteran who served the country during two tours in the Gulf. Her fondest memory of living in Lake Lorna Doone was being able to walk in and play at the nearby park. Tangia is excited to see the park renovated so it can be enjoyed by the broader community now, as she enjoyed it in years past. It is important to her to see the park brought up to ADA standards so that all children, especially children with special needs such as her daughter, can have the opportunity to grow and play there. Tangia is a fierce neighborhood advocate.

Click on the audio files below to hear more of Tangia’s story.


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